Total CE Management.

Convention Strategy Group provides an automated solution that facilitates onsite and post-show CE collection and management.

Our solution allows for a variety of tracking options, including attendance counts and time duration within an educational session.  This is ideal for continuing education seminars, where credits are given to those attendees that meet the criteria for attendance. Our software automatically calculates the duration an attendee was actually in a session. This is all done wirelessly making the attendee’s show experience a positive one.

Attendees can log on to the events secure certificate website to retrieve his or her certification. They will be able to review their credits earned in a variety of ways. By entering their badge ID, they can print out a signed certificate which contains: all the attended sessions, the event logo and all the relevant information guaranteeing the authenticity of this document.

Show Management has access to a custom online portal ,, giving them a complete review of each attendee and their activity at the event.

Please contact us for a sample of a custom CEU website as well as a CEU certificate available to attendees.

For more information click here or call (301)656-7521.